Representatives from the Environment and Forestry Agency (DLHK) of DKI Jakarta, stakeholders and non-profit organizations attending the public launch of the DKI Jakarta Emissions Inventory and GHG Report.
As 2022 draws to a close, DKI Jakarta, through the province’s Environment and Forestry Agency (DLHK) in collaboration with the Center for Research on Energy Policy of Institut Teknologi Bandung, has conducted a public launch of the latest Emissions Inventory and Greenhouse Emissions Report of the province.
Taking place at Balai Kota Jakarta on 2 November 2022, the public launch was led by Dr. Ir. Retno Gumilang Dewi, M.Env.Eng.Sc., the Chairperson of CREP.
The panel was attended by several representatives of local government and stakeholders that includes Anggi Pertiwi Putri, Planner at Environmental Affairs Directorate of the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPENNAS); Hendro Gunawan, Deputy Director for Technical Assistance & Cooperation of Energy Conservation at Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources (ESDM); Danawiryya Silaksanti, Environment Impact Control Officer for Center of Sustainable Transportation Management at Ministry of Transportation; Totok Sulistiyanto, the Directorate General of Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI); , Rikobimo Badri, S.T., M.Ars., Tariff & Financing Commission at Jakarta Transportation Council (DTKJ); Dr. Conrad Hendrarto, Head of the Environmental Monitoring and Protection Division and Recovery Institute for Environment and Natural Resources at Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI); and Selamet Daroyni, Senior Project Officer at ICLEI Indonesia.
In her presentation, Retno explained “There are five main contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in DKI Jakarta. The first is transportation at 46%, followed by power generation sector at 31%, the manufacturing industry at 8%, residential or household waste emissions at 6%, and solid waste at 8%.”
In the photo above (left to right), Selamet Daroyni, Senior Project Officer of ICLEI Indonesia; Alex Yungan, S. Hut; Ir. Retno Gumilang Dewi, M.Env.Eng.Sc., Chairperson of CREP ITB; and Ari Suharto, MSc, Vice Director Carbon and Environmental Research Indonesia.
“We can meet our commitment to reach net-zero by 2050 only if we can optimize the use of and rely more on renewable energy. We will continuously push towards that commitment by prioritizing our electricity power sector for transportation and industry needs, “ added Retno.
On a positive note, a local news agency reported that in 2021, the province’s GHG emissions have been reduced by 27% —or 56.835 giga grams (Gg) CO2e—compared to the previous year. Asep Kuswanto, Head of the Environmental Agency of DKI Jakarta, said the decline was due to massive mitigation programs in the energy and transportation sectors, as well as the activities and policies carried out by the local communities and other parties. Conversely, the reduction in GHG emissions is also due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the decline in economic growth.
Towards the end of the panel, Vera Revina Sari, the DKI Jakarta Acting Deputy Governor for Spatial Planning and Environment, also called on the participants to further boost their climate action.
“More than just to merely report DKI Jakarta’s emissions and GHG inventory for the past year, we hope that this public launch can encourage all parties to support, collaborate, and make concrete steps to achieve net-zero by 2050” stated Vera.
Currently, DKI Jakarta is targeting to become a climate-resilient city by 2030 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30%. Furthermore, DKI Jakarta is also targeting to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. This ambition is carried out through the stipulation of Governor Regulation No. 90 of 2021 on Local Climate Resilient and Low Carbon Development Plan, and Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2021 on The Implementation of Carbon Economic Value to Achieve Nationally Determined Contribution Targets and Control over Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Relation to National Development.
This Public Launch of the 2022 DKI Jakarta Emissions Inventory and GHG Report is expected to provide relevant information and current data to inform climate mitigation and adaptation efforts on the road to reaching net-zero by 2050.