(in photo above) The participants of the consultation on the draft LEECP Guidebook for LGUs.
The Local Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan (LEECP) Guidebook for Philippine local government units (LGUs) recently underwent a feedback and consultation session with key stakeholders to ensure its alignment with pertinent laws and local realities.
Conducted by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability Southeast Asia Secretariat (ICLEI SEAS) and the European Union-funded Access to Sustainable Energy Programme-Clean Energy Living Laboratories (ASEP-CELLs) on 22 July 2021, the LEECP Guidebook consultation served as an opportunity to clarify LGUs’ frequently raised concerns on LEECP and ensure the Guidebook’s alignment with the Philippine Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EEC) Act of 2019.
Around 12 participants from the Department of Energy – Energy Utilization and Management Bureau (DOE-EUMB), Ateneo School of Government, University of San Carlos, Xavier University, EU ASEP, and the Philippine Institute of Energy Management Professionals (PIEMP) participated in the consultation.
DOE-EUMB Public Sector Division Chief Lana Manaligod expressed support on the LEECP Guidebook and noted that the it can also serve as a reference for national government agencies. PIEMP Director for Strategy and Business Development Engr. Eugene Araullo also provided valuable feedback on the implementation phases and organizational management for LEECP.
Meanwhile, EU ASEP EE Strategy Expert Ms. Josephine Mangila-Tioseco emphasized the need to streamline the LEECP implementation with the LGU Energy Code—a guiding policy in integrating and strengthening national energy policies, plans, and programs into the local development plan.
The LEECP Guidebook outlines the steps in formulating and assessing local EEC strategies according to the EEC Act. It is part of ASEP-CELLs and ICLEI SEAS support to the DOE-EUMB and to Philippine LGUs in mainstreaming energy efficiency and conservation in local planning.
It is expected to be completed during the fourth quarter of 2021 and will be turned over to the DOE-EUMB for the organization’s advocacy and capacity building activities with LGUs.
For further information on ICLEI Southeast Asia, please go to icleiseas.org, www.facebook.com/ICLEISEAS, or www.twitter.com/ICLEISEAS. For further information on ASEP-CELLs, please go to asepcells.ph.