Call for Expressions of Interest: Lead of a Research Consortium Promoting Socially Inclusive Climate Adaptation & Resilience (CLARE) in ASEAN

The UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) are pleased to launch this call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) to lead and implement research that enhances urban resilience to climate change in ASEAN member states. This call is held under the CLimate Adaptation and REsilience (CLARE) framework research programme, primarily funded by the UK FCDO with 15% co-funding from IDRC. This call is the first stage of a process through which CLARE expects to partner with one institution that creates and leads a consortium of applied research projects in lower-income (ODA-eligible) in Southeast Asia countries while promoting collaboration with institution in non-ODA-eligible countries.

This call requires interested applicants to demonstrate that their organization and proposed team are able to lead a consortium for impactful research on climate adaptation and resilience in multiple South-East Asian countries. This demonstration involves submitting supporting documents for each of the evaluation criteria listed in this call. The submission of these documents via the application portal wholly constitutes your expression of interest.

The applicants that have the ability to manage this work and score high on the evaluation criteria may be invited to submit a full proposal.

The amount available is anticipated to be up to GBP 2 million (CAD 3.4 million) for a period not exceeding two years.

Expressions of Interest must be received by July 9, 2024 – 1 p.m. ET (Ottawa, Canada). These must be submitted through the application Call for Expressions of Interest:  Research Consortium Promoting Socially Inclusive Climate Adaptation & Resilience (CLARE) Southeast Asia – IDRC – CRDI ( 

Details of the Call are available here: Call for Expressions of Interest

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