ICLEI SEA, PMCJ launch project to develop renewable energy in Albay Province

ICLEI Southeast Asia (SEA) and Philippine Movement for Climate Justice (PMCJ) with the participants of the Albay Province RE Roadmap Project launch and inception workshop, July 9, 2024 at The Marison Hotel, Legazpi City, Albay Province, Philippines.

ICLEI Southeast Asia (SEA) and Philippine Movement for Climate Justice (PMCJ) officially launched last July 9, 2024 the Albay Province Renewable Energy (RE) Roadmap Project that aims to assist the province in developing investment-ready RE projects through a democratized energy governance system. 

The project launch and inception workshop, held at The Marison Hotel in Legazpi City, gathered 42 participants who represented 11 local government units (LGUs), the private sector, and civil society organizations in Albay. 

For the project, ICLEI SEA and PMCJ aim to work with the provincial government of Albay and its 18 LGUs to build their capacity in establishing a democratized energy governance system that includes working with the Albay Renewable Energy Technical Working Group and diverse stakeholder groups in local RE development planning.  

Local RE development plans produced from a participatory, multistakeholder approach will then be consolidated by ICLEI SEA and PMCJ into a province-wide RE roadmap, which will also include energy profiles of LGUs that detail available resources for RE, assessments of each LGU’s RE potential, and a menu of context-appropriate renewable energy solutions. 

The RE roadmap will serve as a guide on how RE can be developed in the province and a portfolio that can be presented to RE investors. 

Larry Pascua, PMCJ senior energy program officer, said during the launch that the RE roadmap aims to be a long-term solution addressing the energy and climate crises, which worsen over time as countries continue to rely on dirty and price-volatile fossil fuels for energy. 

Larry Pascua, PMCJ senior energy program officer, delivers the welcome message.

Pascua also mentioned a study conducted by PMCJ which found that Albay province has the capacity to produce 1.6 gigawatts (GW) of RE power. 

In the United States (US), the US Department of Energy estimated that 1 GW can power roughly 750,000 households for one year. 

The challenge, said Pascua, is to make a clear plan that can unlock RE potential for utilization, not just production. 

Pamela Cabacungan, low emission development strategies manager of ICLEI SEA, said that LGUs have an important role in harnessing the province’s RE potential. 

Pamela Cabacungan, low emission development strategies manager of the ICLEI SEA Secretariat, introduces the Albay RE Roadmap Project to participants.

Local governments, said Cabacungan, can advance RE utilization and development using their capacity to engage stakeholders, their knowledge of local energy situations unique to their area, and their authority to lead local RE solutions. 

Meanwhile, Engr. Isabelo Rabuya, ICLEI SEA technical consultant, presented the importance of conducting an RE resource assessment and list of required data. 

Engr. Isabelo Rabuya, ICLEI SEA technical consultant, explains the importance of conducting an RE resource assessment.

Rabuya said an RE resource assessment can facilitate development of RE projects for various reasons, including to attract and show RE investors what RE solutions and resources are needed and potential sites for RE; to determine the economic viability, technical feasibility, and environmental and social impact of RE projects; and to be prepared for regulatory compliance of RE projects, among others.  

For the project to conduct an RE resource assessment in the province, Rabuya emphasized the need for LGUs to provide required data. 

During the launch, ICLEI SEA and PMCJ invited the LGUs to formalize their participation in the Albay RE Roadmap Project by signing a Declaration of Participation, which also declares the LGUs commitment to provide the data required for an RE resource assessment.  

Moreover, the inception workshop included three breakout sessions that facilitated exercises on stakeholder mapping; identification of existing and planned energy projects, programs, policies, and activities; and a focus group discussion on challenges and opportunities for energy accessibility, affordability, security, and sustainability. Outputs from the breakout sessions will be incorporated in the Roadmap. 

Participants engage in focus group discussions about the energy supply in Albay Province, facilitated by ICLEI SEA.

Under the technical implementation of ICLEI SEA, the project envisions a just and successful transition to sustainable and RE sources in the Philippines. ICLEI SEA and PMCJ will collaborate with diverse stakeholders and involve them alongside their LGUs to determine RE solutions that should be included in local development plans.    

ICLEI SEA will provide training and research to support the establishment and strengthening of LGU institutions, such as the Energy Sector Committee of the Local Development Councils. 

The project taps the expertise and track record of ICLEI SEA as it seeks to replicate the experiences and good practices of the RE-Start Campaign Year 2 Project in Eastern Samar Province in 2023 done in partnership with Oxfam Pilipinas, under Oxfam’s Just Energy Transition (JET) programme. ICLEI SEA utilized the 100% RE Building Blocks toolkit in the development of an RE plan for Borongan City, Dolores Municipality, and Eastern Samar Province. 

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