The “Sparking active mobility actions for climate-friendly cities” or SPARK Project aims to increase the role of active mobility in building resilient and safe transport systems, contribute to national emission reduction targets, and promote climate-friendly mobility behavior. Two cities in Metro Manila – Pasig City and Quezon City – will demonstrate the potential of reducing GHG emissions through improved capacities, strategies, and policies for active mobility through tactical urbanism and open data. This project is being implemented by ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC) with funding support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV) through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) Program. Read more about the project here.
ICLEI is looking for a qualified consultant who shall advise and work with the project team and the project cities in conducting baseline walkability and cyclability assessment reports for Pasig City and Quezon City.
The project must be carried out within a period of six (6) months from the beginning of March to the end of August 2024.
The consultant is expected to produce qualitative and quantitative baseline walkability and cyclability assessment reports for Pasig City and Quezon City. These reports shall cover assessments of city, community, and site levels. The consultant shall also produce a tactical urbanism vision and strategies report for both cities based on the results of the assessments.
The consultant shall conduct walkability and cyclability assessments for the model communities in Pasig and Quezon City. As part of the project’s approach to understanding cities’ context and engaging with stakeholders, ICLEI’s Sustainable Mobility team developed a walkability and cyclability assessment methodology to establish a baseline for active mobility on three levels (city-level, district-level, and site-level). While the consultant is expected to evaluate data gaps, provide recommendations on how to overcome such data and collect some of the data directly, a project working group in each city will assist in collecting the data needed for the assessment with the coordination of the project’s local partners, ICLEI- Southeast Asia and ICSC.
- Provide expert feedback on the usability and points for improvement of the walkability and cyclability assessment in the Philippine context.
- Facilitate a workshop with the cities’ working groups to conduct the walkability and cyclability on the city level and provide expert judgment when data is missing.
- Perform community and site-level walkability and cyclability assessments for the two model communities of Pasig City and Quezon City. These assessments are expected to entail:
- Desk research on land use and integration of cycling and walking in the current mobility networks in two barangays, complemented by visualizing the assessment result in maps.
- A field audit to assess the existing cycling and walking conditions in two selected sites (one per barangay) using a list of audit points from the project’s assessment methodology.
- Operationalizing and analyzing the results of a street intercept survey (sample size to be determined based on the barangays’ population). A group of volunteers will be recruited to assist in operationalizing the survey under the experts’ guidance.
- Facilitating two focus group discussions with the community members to assess preset qualitative parameters as part of the walkability and cyclability assessment.
- Deliver a quantitative and qualitative report on the community baseline per each project city along with the datasets and impressions collected.
- Support the project team in presenting the results of the assessments to partner LGUs.
- Facilitate an envisioning workshop to identify tactical urbanism vision and strategies for both LGUs.
For the full Terms of Reference, including details on the deliverables, timeframe, qualifications, proposal evaluation criteria, reporting, payment terms, and application process, please CLICK HERE.