DKI Jakarta is now a four-time national winner of the World Wide Fund for Nature’s (WWF) One Planet City Challenge (OPCC) after being selected as the Indonesian champion of the competition’s 2021-2022 run.
Representatives from the winning city, finalists Probolinggo City and Balikpapan City, and 21 other participating local governments were present for the awarding ceremony held in DKI Jakarta on 31 May 2022.
21 judges composed of sustainability experts from all around the world presided over this year’s national competition which saw the participation of 24 Indonesian cities. Criterias for judging included the alignment of the city’s climate action plan with its development strategy, and the scientific basis for its development plans.
DKI Jakarta hopes to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030, with the local government hoping to reduce its operational emissions by 50% by the same year. The city ultimately targets to be zero-carbon by 2050.
Asep Kuswanto, Head of DKI Jakarta’s Environmental Agency, said that the city aims to achieve these by integrating Governor Regulation Number 90 of 2021 (Regulation on Climate Resistant Regional Low Carbon Development Plans) in its strategic plans. The city also conducts vehicle emission tests to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, particularly in the transportation sector.
“We are also planning to develop public green spaces and trying to overcome air pollution,” Kuswanto added.
Meanwhile, this is the first time that Probolinggo City has joined the OPCC’s finalist ranks. Its campaign revolved around its innovative mitigation and adaptation action plans, including its waste sector action which converts tofu production waste into affordable and eco-friendly biogas.
“Creating a sustainable city is a long-term commitment. We hope our actions can motivate other cities towards sustainable development,” said Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin.
As the Indonesian OPCC winner, DKI Jakarta can join the global We Love Cities (WLC) campaign to be held from September to October 2022. The finalist cities of Probolinggo and Balikpapan will also have the chance to participate in the WLC, competing with 75 other cities in the world for the title of “Most Lovable City.” As a public engagement campaign, WLC enjoins everyone to join the call for sustainable development.
WWF Indonesia and ICLEI Indonesia have facilitated the OPCC in the country since 2014. The 2021-2022 OPCC run was held in partnership with the Association of Indonesia Municipalities (APEKSI) and the Association of Indonesia Regencies (APKASI).