ICLEI and Bandung City sign agreement to improve urban environment for the youth

(in photo above) As part of the S2C program, the World Resources Institute conducted a workshop for the youth in Bandung last 18-21 April 2022 (photo from WRI).

The Indonesia Office of ICLEI – Local Government for Sustainability and Bandung City last 11 April 2022 signed a partnership agreement to improve Bandung’s urban environment for the youth. 

Facilitated under the Safe and Sound Cities (S2Cities) Programme, the agreement was signed by Bandung Mayor Yana Mulyana and ICLEI Indonesia Country Manager Ari Mochamad. 

“Bandung City was selected because of its outstanding commitment to the environmental and sustainability agenda. Likewise, the youth group organizations concerned with this agenda already have experience working with the city government, particularly with the Bandung Environment Agency,” explained Mr. Mochamad regarding the two organization’s partnership.

Based on the 2020 statistics of Indonesia, almost 28% of the population belongs to Generation Z (over 75-million) while around 26% are millennials (around 70-million).

“This is the right time to invite young people into the decision-making process through ideas and innovations so that they can trigger system changes for a sustainable environment,” Ari continued. 

Bandung Mayor Yana Mulyana noted, “We hope that this program can provide results that encourage policy improvement in Bandung city. In particular, the design of urban policies and activities to improve the safety and comfort of youth groups.”

These S2Cities activities will include capacity building, training, and technical guidance for local governments, youth groups, and stakeholders. Other activities are competition-based events that focus on innovative climate action, as well as discussions between government and non-government agencies involving the youth.

Formerly named the Safe Urban Environment Program, S2Cities aims to put the youth in the center of sustainable development. It is funded by Fondation Botnar and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, and conducted in partnership with Global Infrastructure Basel. Local implementation partners in Indonesia include the World Resources Institute, GERAK, and POI.

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